The drive from Durango to Crested Butte, Co looked like pages from a fairy tale book. We had to keep pulling over to marvel at the vast beauty. It was truly the most scenic drive I've ever experienced!

The Million Dollar Highway that connects Durango, Silverton, and Ouray is rated #2 Most Dangerous highway in America and I believe it-- not sure I could handle #1. With very few guard rails on the sides of the roads, nor a shoulder to pull off on, I was white knuckling my pretend steering wheel and Doug did an outstanding job with the real one! Sometimes, I had to actually close my eyes! It was shocking there were no guardrails! It was an intense, but amazing ride on the very high and winding roads! No camera could grasp this picturesque scenery!

The town of Ouray was a hidden gem with its unique shops, breweries, and restaurants! We wandered through the town and found a cute grocery store to stock up on food! We even saw big pet deer in someones fenced backyard ( we won't tell Rick and Ryan, who are out in the hills backpacking and elk hunting, Daniel Boone style with bow and arrows).

After settling in ar our new campsite at Crested Butte RV Park, we decided to have a much needed evening of cooking to set us up for the next few days in dinners and a whole week of breakfasts! We made herb roasted chicken and zucchini and squash roasted vegetables in our Airstream convection oven- still learning how to use it but so far, so good!! The downside is its small so 2 batches are usually cooked for each recipe. We made power protein egg muffins consisting of eggs, cottage cheese, onions, peppers, cheese, and a while lot of seasonings. For Doug, I made blueberry muffins with crumble topping... take good care of the driver lol!!

Protein power egg muffins- no flour and very delicious. I will post recipe under Health/Recipes. You can freeze individually for a quick healthy snack too!

Blueberry muffins with crumb topping for Doug cause he's the man!!
We woke up to a brisk, cold 29 degrees and the water was frozen. My mind immediately thought of Ric and Ryan hunting through the woods like Daniel Boone with their bow, arrorws, and backpacks! No, they didnt get that from their ol Ma! At best, I sat in a deerstand with them in the evenings only when they were about 10.
Doug managed to get some water from our tank to make coffee. After a nice breakfast of oatmeal , power egg muffins, and fruit, we ventured out to explore Crested Butte ( pronounced "beaut" not "but" as Doug corrected the speech pathologist with a smile!