Having the right accessories for your pet while traveling is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. We love spending time with our dog, Lili ,and she really likes to be by our side as much as possible. I have been traveling with our little long-haired chihuahua by car, plane, boat, and RV; I have learned to take the right accessories so everyone is comfortable.

Traveling with your pet is special for everyone. Your pet should be up to date on all vaccinations and you should keep your pet's health records and vaccinations with you while traveling. A microchip implanted in your dog by your veterinarian and registered with Home Again may help you to be quickly reunited with your dog if your pet gets lost. Also, the Apple Tag that works with many i-phones may help you locate your dog. Get a collar with your phone number embroidered on it, so you don't have the possibility of a tag coming loose from the collar. Lili has had her embroidered dog collar for four years. It looks a little worn, but the embroidered letters and numbers still look good.

When packing for your trip, pack anything your dog uses on a daily basis. Pack your pet's favorite food and treats. Don't forget any special foods that you may use to give your pet medicine....and don't forget the medicine. Keeping your dog on the same feeding schedule, will ensure your dog maintains energy for the trip. Make sure to carry water and treats for your dog in the vehicle for the road trip and offer your dog water on a regular basis to prevent dehydration. A collapsible bowl attached to the leash can be a lifesaver for giving your dog water throughout the day. It is also important to take frequent breaks from traveling and walk your dog in designated areas. Don't forget dogs have to 'go', too! Always clean up behind your dog, so make sure you pack some waste bags. Make sure you have a good fitting step-in harness and retractable leash, so you can pull your pet quickly in the event of danger.

Lili gets warm in the truck quicker than I do. I usually take a long sleeve shirt, so we can turn the air conditioner up high enough so she is comfortable. Never leave your dog in the car, not even for a few minutes. The temperature will soar in a parked vehicle even with a window rolled down. Just don't do it! We use a carry pouch to carry Lili with us. I have also used a dog stroller, but we found the sling pouch to be less cumbersome and saves space while traveling.

(I purchased this stroller at Island Dog at St. Simons Island, Ga and I highly recommend visiting Island Dog for your pet needs if you are in the area.)

Secure your pet safely in your vehicle while traveling in their designated spot. You may use an attachment that fastens to the seatbelt and your pet's harness or a crate depending on how active your pet may be. If you have a pet that is very active, you may prefer to use a crate if your pet is crate-trained for safety, so you aren't distracted while driving. Include a comfortable blanket or orthopedic pad to keep your dog comfortable. By having a designated spot in your vehicle for your dog, she will learn that is her space and will settle down for the journey.
Before getting married, Lili and I went on some awesome adventures and even flew to some destinations. I put her in her airline approved bag for increasing times for the few weeks prior to flying to make certain she felt comfortable in her bag. With her safely under the seat in front of me, I was able to reach down and pet her bag and talk to her during the trip. Some dogs may need a sedative for flying, but Lili settled down just fine as long has I pat her bag and talked to her. Don't forget to offer your dog water and a snack often while at the airport. Having a light snack before flying may prevent nausea. Walk your dog in the designated area prior to boarding the plane to ensure your dog is comfortable during the flight.

Traveling as a single person with your pet will open the doors to travel for you because you are not alone. Lili accompanied me to dining at outdoor pet-friendly restaurants and she loved exploring with me. My friend, Penny, sent this image to me because I told her Lili was all I ever needed to travel (before I married my husband a few years ago).

Now, the three of us enjoy hiking, camping, and traveling together. Traveling solo with my dog was fun, but traveling with our little family is awesome!

Hiking to a Waterfall
Always have your dog wear a life jacket when boating even if your dog can swim. In the event of an accident, your dog may not be able to swim.

Most dogs enjoy camping. We enjoy traveling in our Airstream and have traveled on several 6 -week trips. Never leave your dog alone and be aware of other animals in the area that could confront your dog. Keep your dog secured and keep water bowls close to your dog .
Take your dog hiking. Dogs love the outdoors and don't want to be left behind. Make certain the hiking trail is adequate and safe for your dog. Adjust your hiking expeditions to your dog's health and agility. Be sure to offer water often and take breaks when needed. Since Lili is a small, older dog, we usually carry her in the pouch while hiking up a mountain and let her walk down.

Lili also loves riding in a basket on the bike. If you have a small, calm dog, you may find biking with your dog is a fun activity. Your bike basket will need a basket with a strap to secure your dog safely inside. A pair of pet goggles will help protect your dog's eyes from the wind. Start with very short bike rides to help your dog get accustomed to this new activity.

When you reach your destination. Make sure your pet has a designated area for eating and sleeping to help your dog adjust to their new temporary surroundings. Be cognitive to anything in your temporary environment that could be hazardous to your pet. If you are staying at someone else's home or a rental property, inquire if there are any pesticides or rat poison in it. Don't expose your pet to any harmful pesticides, poisons, or chemicals in a temporary housing environment.

Your pet may need more frequent walks when you are staying away from home. At the very least, maintain their usual walking schedule.
Traveling with your pet can be a rewarding experience if you plan and prepare properly. It can be a great experience regardless if you are traveling as a single person with your dog or on a family vacation.
What are some of your favorite pet traveling accessories?
Please follow us on www.journeywithodells.com as we explore (mostly in our Airstream) with our little dog, Lili. Journey along as we discover new recipes, electric bike trails/accessories, pet accessories, and even some fun, simple fashion for exploring.